Product Details
Peltier Heat Pumps
Supercool AB

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The thermoelectric Peltier effect is the most direct way to utilise electricity to pump heat. The material used in these pumps is made from bismuth telluride, doped to obtain P- and N-type properties. A number of these P- and N- type pairs (couples) are thermally connected in parallel, electrically connected in series and sandwiched between ceramic plates. When connected to a suitable DC power supply, the passing current causes heat to be transferred from one side of the module to the other. A cold side and a hot side are now created. The cold side can be attached to any object or device that needs controlled cooling. By reversing the current flow through the pump you reverse the cooling effect. 
Maximum temperature differential (δT max) between the cold and warm side of a Supercool single-stage module is up to 720C at warm side temperatures of 250 C or δT = 810C at a warm side temperature of 500C. 
Order I max U max Pc max δt max 
Code (A) (V) (W)
DT78K 3.4 3.8 7.6
DT79L 3.9 8.8 19.7 71 
DT80B 6.1 8.8 31.3 71 
DT81C 6.1 15.7 56.0 71 
Pc max = Cooling effect at δT=0 
δT max = Temperature difference (warm surface less cold surface) at a warm side temperature of 250C and Pc=0. 
800C is maximum warm side temperature. 
Dimensions mm 
Order A B H L
DT78K 15 15 3.8 150
DT79L 20 20 3.6 150
DT80B 30 30 3.9 150
DT81C 40 40 3.9 300
L = lead length; S = surface area. 
Other types available